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I can directly represent your interests in such areas as ascertaining Jones Act compliance, obtaining Coast Guard and IMO marine product approval, representing mariners in Suspension & Revocation (S & R) cases, and representing flag States at formal marine casualty investigations.  

  • Suspension & revocation defense – I ran the Coast Guard’s busiest S & R shop from 1998-2002, and served as one of two attorneys at the S & R National Center of Expertise from 2017-2018.  This center provides support to all Coast Guard units in conducting S & R cases, and the attorneys litigate all S & R cases brought by the Coast Guard.  It is fair to say that there cannot be a more experienced and knowledgeable S & R defense attorney available than me.

  • Flag state representation at formal Coast Guard hearings – I served as a formal investigating officer in a casualty involving 4 designated parties in interest, 18 witnesses, and 100+ exhibits.  I also served as the legal advisor to the formal investigating officer in a case involving multiple fatalities in the inland waters.  I can zealously and competently represent flag state interests at any such investigations, regardless of the level of formality.

  • Full spectrum of litigation services – I am “Of Counsel” with the leading admiralty and maritime law firm of Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel, and can draw upon the full resources of that firm to provide a full range of litigation services and support.

Maritime and International Law Consultant

Maritime and international law consultant support in such areas as international maritime laws and regulations, marine safety law, merchant marine law, and U.S. port state control.   This includes:

  • Liaison/intervention with U. S. Coast Guard and other U. S. regulatory agencies:

I can represent your interests in such matters as:

 - Vessel detentions

 - Fines/forfeitures

 - Coast Guard/IMO product and system approvals

 - Jones Act/Coastwise trade determinations

 - Ballast water management system compliance extension requests

 - Permit applications

 - Post-casualty assistance

  • Expert analysis, program support, and initiative support in a host of areas that leverages my experience, training, and skills.  Examples include:

 - Anti-drug initiatives

 - Anti-piracy initiatives

 - Maritime security in all respects

 - Corporate manual audits and writing

 - Support of internal corporate investigations into allegations of misconduct, violations of law or policy, etc.

Maritime Expert Witness and Litigation Support

I provide maritime and international law expert witness services in such areas as shipping laws and regulations, marine casualties and casualty investigations, and marine environmental regulations

I spent a career assisting Coast Guard operational units in interpreting and working with international maritime laws and regulations, marine safety laws and regulations, merchant marine law, and U.S. port state control.    I am also an experienced and accomplished maritime law attorney and litigator.  I know how to find the answers to the most critical questions that will determine the outcome of your litigation matter.  I also have the poise, confidence, competence, and credibility to present those answers to the fact-finders in a persuasive, believable manner.


* Please check out the ARTICLES tab for redacted expert reports I have generated, which will give you an idea of the quality and thoroughness of my work.

Topical Expertise

I possess topical expertise in such areas as international law of the sea, maritime law enforcement, maritime jurisdiction, marine pollution law, marine personnel regulation, LNG vessel regulation, marine fishing regulation, maritime polar issues, and unmanned maritime systems.

This expertise derives from:

  • My 4 years of service as a Navy Surface Warfare Officer, my 22 years as an active-duty Coast Guard judge advocate (attorney)

  • My vast experience teaching, training, and speaking, including:

- 5 years as a law school adjunct professor (taught international law of the sea)

- 2 years as an adjunct professor at the University of Rhode Island (taught international oceans law)

- 9 semesters as a military professor at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (taught Maritime Law Enforcement, Contemporary Topics in the Law of the Sea, and Criminal Justice)

- Socratic seminar leader for senior military and civilian leaders at the U.S. Naval War College and U.S. National Defense University

- Innumerable speaking engagements


*Please access my CV in ABOUT and check out my ARTICLES for further evidence of my topical expertise


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 marine legal, maritime legal consulting, maritime legal counsel, shipping legal, shipping regulations, marine rules and regulations, maritime regulations, maritime jones act, maritime and shipping, maritime jurisdiction, maritime international, maritime rules and regulations, maritime compliance, vessel compliance, marine regulations, shipping compliance, marine compliance, marine environmental compliance, maritime compliance international, compliance shipping industry, compliance in shipping, environmental compliance shipping, vessels compliance, imo marine regulations, marine safety regulations/1200; 1677-end, regulation of shipping, merchant shipping regulation, marine environmental regulations, international marine regulations, marine transportation regulations, marine living resources regulations, marine sewage discharge regulations, maritime rules regulations, maritime safety regulations, maritime industry regulations, maritime shipping regulations, maritime international regulations, international maritime regulations, shipping regulations and guidance, shipping regulations imo, shipping industry regulations, shipping environmental regulations, merchant shipping regulations, marine safety regulation, marine fishing regulation, marine personnel regulation, marine pollution regulation, maritime regulatory compliance, maritime environmental regulation, shipping regulation, maritime polar, marine personnel regulation, Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act, environmental compliance shipping, marine protected areas law, marine pollution law  maritime jurisdiction, marine living resources regulations, marine sewage discharge regulations, shipping environmental regulations, marine environmental compliance, marine pollution regulation, maritime environmental regulation, Maritime law attorney, Maritime attorney, Attorney international law, international law attorney,   Admiralty attorney, attorney maritime law, admiralty law attorney, attorney admiralty law, attorney maritime regulations, maritime lawyer, marine lawyer, international lawyer, shipping lawyer, maritime legal counsel, shipping legal

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